: Album Reviews

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5 stars

Recorded between the years of 1984-1986…. April 2, 2012
By Isaiah K. Tolbert
Format:MP3 Download
LOL! Long story short this album is very good and you will not be dissapointed. Clever wordplay and snappy lyrics on “Sexiness” and “Crybaby”. “Mother Of All Mothers” is pretty solid. Would be a great slow jam burner. “Dance (That’s An Order)” and “Acid Pants” will definitely have you grooving. Dare you not to shake to those funk cuts. Another thing I really liked about the album is a constant sass it plays the theme of all the songs. It never quite breaks from any of the songs so it fundamentally makes all of the tunes flow. Not to mention the bad ass guitar playing(s) and drum programming.

5 stars

The best funk album in years!! March 24, 2012
By Impeccable Pete
Format:MP3 Download
If you dig real funk then this is a must have!
A clever blend of The Time, Cameo & P-Funk is how I’d best sum it up, though traces of AndrĂ© 3000 and Sly Stone can be felt as well.
All in all I’d have to say this is the best funk long player I’ve heard in many a year… buy it you won’t be disappointed!!

Great review our main man!

Madonna’s new album MDNA is pretty good. I actually liked a couple tracks after the first two singles did nothing. “Im Addicted” “Gang Bang” and “Turn Up The Music” are first rate. I was a little annoyed with some of the teeny bop rhymes but the personal tracks made up for that. I also picked up The Neon Romeoz new album from Thank you Magnus Goethe for some hot slammin funk. “Acid Pants”, “Sexiness”, “Dance ..” and “Crybaby” are exceptional jems. I actually enjoyed this album alot more than MDNA. This is pretty much the equivalent of what the Time’s second reunion album should have sound like if they kept the whole thing old school. Lots of personality and much sass.

– K-e Tolbert

This Album is the BOMB!

The word is out! Some voices on the new album:
“So FUNKY!!! Lovin It!”

“This Album is the BOMB! Salvation for my hungry purple ears, relaxation for all of my funky senses, I love it dearly … Thank you for sharing such a masterpiece of wonderful music with us!”

“Approved! To be described in one word: Neosoulpsychofunkadelica!
Andre Cymone meets Morris, Prince, Bootsy … Hard to name any favorits on here, the whole album is a blast”

“Mother To All Mothers has a strong Bootsy ballad vibe. It’s a future funk ballad.
Throughout you’ll be reminded of the Time and 1981-1983 era Prince.The sound is pure retro 1980’s, and thats all good with me.
It sounds like it could be a long lost Funk album from 1984.
Really love it!”

“so far this is my one and only favorite album of the year”

“I was so driven by the vibes that I had to get into my car, the only place I can listen to music full volume. I havent done driving around just because of listening pleasure since Prince’s 2010 album appeared, 2 years ago.”